Now Comes Sin

The piece submitted for publication is poem about the entrance of sin into the world. It was written for an assignment in a creative writing class. I chose to submit this to a magazine that publishes inspiration an spiritual works. I choose the publication because it accepts the type of writing that I will be doing in the future.

 by James Daniel
 We see now what we want to see,
 Maybe not as clear as what it appears.
 It’s birthed from the fruit of life’s tree,
 Unknown but familiar to our fears.
 Into this world, it found place,                                                 
 Through all times now and before.
 Not what we need but what we face,
 It brought nothing less but a lot more.
 Now seeing it every place we look,
 We try hard but are not able to avoid it.
 In vain struggling to escape the hook,
 Surely, we suffer once we’ve bit.
 In the beginning, it brought the fall,
 Still, now it conquers us all. 
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